We carry out the wholesale trade only, we don’t sale at retail.
How to see the samples of your products?
You can order samples delivery to any country.
How do I know the wholesale price?
Fill in the form on the Cooperation block, our manager will send actual price-lists and conditions of work.
I’m ready to make a wholesale order! What next?
Send your order, name of contact person and delivery address on info@calypso-slippers.com.
Our manager will contact to you to clarify the payment method.
Do you have a minimum order quantity?
Yes, we do. You may check everything in our price-lists.
Do your work with consignment realization sales or determent of payment?
We accept only 100% prepayment before shipment. If you do presale order, we also need some prepayment.
What else you offer to your business partners?
Branded footwear racks, pictures for e-commerce, marketing material - fill in the form to receive all information you needed.
I want to get a discount. How?
The best way is presale order, your discount can be 10% and more for the delivery from European warehouse. Also you may order with FOB China terms, this price will be the lowest one.
More details about delivery: who pays and which kind of transportation?
Delivery costs are on buyer expenses; you may accept our forwarder or choose yours. Everything depends on delivery terms: FOB China or EXW European warehouse.
How should we inspect our order after delivery?
We urgently recommend to check commodities purchased by you in the presence of the employee of the transport company. If you didn’t do any checks with him and didn’t issue any statements about missing or damaged goods, delivery claims will be not accepted.
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